Campioana australiană la box thailandez Caley Reece și-a luat prin surprindere prietenii virtuali zilele trecute, când le-a arătat că se antrenează cu aceeași forță până și în a 39-a săptămână de sarcină.

Caley Reece se antrenează în continuare alături de soțul său, care e chiar antrenor de Muay Thai (box thailandez). Campioana consideră că sarcina nu este un motiv de a renunța la activitatea care îți place cel mai mult.

Peste 42 de mii de internauți au urmărit, până azi, clipul care o afișează pe Caley Reece în timp ce lovește puternic cu pumnii și picioarele. Campioana la box thailandez dă de înțeles că toate criticile în care a fost acuzată că și-ar lovi copilul, sunt lipsite de temei.

„Nu mă voi opri din a face ceea ce iubesc!”, spune viitoarea mămică.


39 weeks and potentially the last time I hit pads with ma belly. Theres so much I cant do such as switch left kicks, lots of punches in a row (twisting), ANY power, ANY speed, quick footwork or changes, but that doesnt mean I have to give up. It simply means, I make do with what I have. There is no free style pad holding, Daz is calling every single thing so we both know exactly what is happening at all times. People ragging out on previous videos saying Im going to fall over, trip on my belly, get punched accidentally, too much on the belly etc… um… so what if I get punched in the face – my baby isnt growing in my head!! There is no more danger here than there is power walking or twisting in a pool. For those that have no idea, we do not pivot with our stomachs in Muaythai, we turn/ pivot with our hips/ feet. We have been doing this for over 40years combined. Dont stop what you love. Theres always ways around everything.. 💙 #pregnancy #pregnant #riddlersgym #muaythai #muaythaiislife #training #passion #39thweek #tired #fitness #fit #babybump #belly #nearlythere #ifyadontlikeitthencatchya #punishfightgear @punishfightgearandnutrition

Posted by Caley Reece on 19 Octombrie 2016

Gravida susține că, la fel ca mersul pe jos, natația și joggingul, sportul Muay Thai solicită în special mușchii bazinului, cei ai brațelor și ai picioarelor, iar riscul de a-și supune copilul pericolului este mimin.

Not every day is a good one. Today I absolutely struggled. I dont think I have felt that tired the whole pregnancy to be honest – even Daz said to me that it was the slowest he has EVER seen me move. I could barely drag a 15kg sled but I just remind myself for every 20 good days, there may be a bad one in there, but the point is to keep moving because afterwards you are happy you did. Giving up is easy. Committing is what builds your strength mentally and physically . Thanks to @range_of_motion for the ROM consistency project. Having a commitment at this time, makes training that little bit easier in times like this! #training #39thweek #tired #commitment #chipaway #health #mentalhealth #pregnancy #myfitnessfile #rangeofmotion #40kgfeltlike60 @pregnancyworkout

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