Acum un an, greutatea unei tinere de 27 de ani, pe nume Hayley Bienert, originare din California, depășea 100 de kilograme. Nici în viața de familie Hayley nu se bucura de prea multă fericire, soțul fiind cel care o înjosea mereu pentru felul în care arată. Decizia de a pune punctul în toate și de a o lua de la capăt a ajutat-o pe eroina acestei povești să tindă spre cea mai bună versiune a sa și să inspire oamenii spre schimbare.

După ce s-a căsătorit, Hayley Bienert a început să nu mai încapă în hainele pe care le avea, greutatea sa crescându-i substanțial în fiecare lună. Problema se ascundea în alegerile alimentare ale soților, care preferau să consume fast-food, biscuiți și cola, în defavoarea alimentelor sănătoase.

It took me a little bit to be ok with posting this. But what I love about this photograph is that it's real. This is me. Now. No posing, no angles, no makeup, pre shower, post gym. This is the way my body looks right at this moment. And I'm ok with it. I often find myself reminiscing the days when I felt abnormal. I always felt that people were staring at me, random people In grocery stores, malls, even my "skinnier" "prettier" friends. I remember that feeling like it was YESTERDAY. The feeling of being so uncomfortable in the presence of another, that you didn't even want to get up to go to the bathroom for fear that someone would notice you and think "God she needs to lose weight". I couldn't bare to be noticed and I couldn't bare for people to think that about me, even though I knew the truth. When I see this photo, I don't feel hot, I don't feel sexy, I feel average. You know what? That's a DAMN good feeling. When you have spent most of your adult life feeling abnormal… average is sexy, it is hot.. it's weird, and awkward and fun, beautiful and best of all, it's freaking NORMAL. I have made it to a point in my journey where I feel normal. I can walk into a grocery store and simply go shopping, I can go to a mall and try on clothing and ask myself, "does this look glorious, or should I go elsewhere." I can eat a burger without feeling judged and where tighter clothing without judging myself. It's simply beautiful and I hope that whoever reads this, if they are where I was so many years ago, if they feel abnormal, then know this: Average is just a decision away. The moment you make the choice to better your life and actually LIVE it.. stop simply existing, quit stalling, quit playing the victim and take control, you will know the feeling of being just average and it is a beautiful feeling. #healthandfitness #weightlossmotivation #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #noflexzone #fitfam #fitspo #instafit #healthiswealth #transformation #motivation #motiv8performance #motiv8performancecenter #weightlosssupport #health #fitness #selflove #bodypositive

A post shared by Hayley Bienert, Weight Loss (@hayleygetsfitwithhiit) on

Scăpându-și greutatea de sub control, Hayley a înțeles că nici în viața de cuplu nu mai era ce fusese de la început, soțul blamând-o în fiecare zi pentru felul în care arată. Tânăra spune că nu a mai rezistat scandalurilor, preferând să divorțeze. Și-a tuns apoi părul, l-a vopsit într-o altă culoare și a început să slăbească urmând un program de fitness.

Un factor-cheie a fost schimbarea și comportamentului alimentar. Hayley a renunțat la mâncarea otrăvitoare, în favoarea cărnii de pui și curcan, a peștelui, legumelor, cerealelor și fructelor.

Și dacă în primele 3 luni a dat jos 20 de kilograme, acum cântărește 60 și studiază un domeniu care i-a schimbat viața: își dorește să devină antrenoare de fitness, antrenându-se de 5-6 ori în fiecare săptămână.

So it's #NEDAwareness week and it's also #fbf so happy Friday, guys! I have been struggling with binge eating ever since I can remember. I hit rock bottom when I ballooned up to 237 in 2010-2012. I was in a toxic relationship and I consumed copious amounts of processed garbage to take me briefly away from the pain I felt while in the relationship. I ate to feel something other than worthless, but immediately after, I would feel even more worthless than before. I still struggle with the desire to eat, and every day it is a struggle. I'm constantly fighting off triggers such as smells and fast food signs. The desire to eat is still the same, but over the years I have developed mental grit to cope with the cravings. I have learned to understand when I am HUNGRY and when I THINK I am hungry. You can learn these things too. We all have our own problems to deal with and we all have to figure out how to manage, if we're to live a relatively normal life. I hope that my before and "during" photos will inspire whoever is reading this to be the best version of themselves that they can be. I hope that it shows you that even at your weakest you can overcome anything.. IF YOU WANT TO. I cried, screamed, relapsed, cried some more. I dealt with the pain of running when I was over weight (shin splints are no joke). I cried out of frustration when I couldn't plank for more than 30 seconds. It was and IS hard. The point of this post is to remind you that whether you're battling anorexia or fighting off the urge to eat for the sake of eating, you're so much better than that. It's difficult to overcome, but it's worth it. #eatingdisorderrecovery #noexcuses #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #bingeeating #weightloss #fitfam #fitspo #weightlosssupport #weightlossmotivation #inspiration #fitness #doitforyourhealth #fitgirls #inspire #healthymind #goodvibes #goodvibesonly #instagood

A post shared by Hayley Bienert, Weight Loss (@hayleygetsfitwithhiit) on



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