Prezentă la cele mai importante evenimente de modă, Doina nu a putut lipsi de la Green Carpet Awards. Așa cum ne-a obișnuit, moldoveanca a fost o apariție memorabilă pe covorul verde. 

Este vorba despre un eveniment fashion care susține protecția mediului durabilă. Printre problemele sociale și cele politice de care Doina este foarte interesată, aceasta este și o susținătoare înflăcărată a mișcării pentru sustenabilitate a mediului.

Astfel bloggerița nu a putut lipsi de la acest important eveniment, iar rochia mini confecționată de mână din lână și rafie ecologică, creată de designer-ul libanez Jean-Louis Sabaji, i-a garantat apariția în celebra revistă Vogue Arabia.

Iată cum s-a prezentat moldoveanca:


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PLEASE READ 👉🏻 This is not my usual type of content, but it is my usual type of passion- #sustainability. If you’re a long term follower, you already know my passion for sustainability amongst other social and political problems. This year for the #GreenCarpetAwards I challenged one of the hottest Lebanese designers of the moment (and by now a dear friend) @jeanlouissabaji to create a fully sustainable red couture dress. The challenge was accepted with lots of enthusiasm and the first I heard was “it’s gonna be a modern Tinker Bell”, and that it was. When I first saw the dress during my shoot with Jean Louis and @mohiebdahabieh in Beirut, even though I was in absolute awe, I was also a bit hesitant on the length and how revealing it was. But then after giving it a second thought I realised that i haven’t actually seen a sustainable sexy and youthful dress on the green carpet afore, or in the sustainability movement. I also remember what a lot of people had expressed to me afore “sustainability isn’t sexy” or “sustainability isn’t inclusive”. So I decided to go outside my comfort zone and wear this stunning creation on the #GreenCarpet in order to show you and the world that SUSTAINABILITY CAN BE SEXY. As a matter of fact, we should aim and work towards a fully sustainable fashion, non-exclusive of each consumer’s preference, open to interpretation and personality. It shouldn’t just be modest dressing that society tells us we have to comply to if we’re intelligent or have values beyond ourselves, it should be whatever we want it to be because the length of our dress does not in any way determine the stretch of our moral strength or intellect. I want to thank the team who worked so hard to make this possible @mohiebdahabieh @jeanlouissabaji @ecoage @liviafirth @levitthannah and all the wonderful masters in Jean Louis’ atelier in Beirut. As well as you guys for helping me along the way and supporting me and @voguearabia for spreading the message 💚 #sustainablefashion

Публикация от Doina Ciobanu | Дойна (@doina)


Vezi și: Doina Ciobanu, influencer cu peste 400.000 de urmăritori, pe coperta unei reviste celebre. Iată ce a dezvăluit despre succesul ei

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