Deși balayage-ul este o tehnică de hair coloring care pierde teren în fața noilor tendințe, o hairstylistă din SUA excelează în totalitate în aplicarea ei, lăudându-se cu lucrări fascinante.


Adio, ombré, smbré și balayage! O nouă tehnică de hair coloring urcă în topul tendințelor

Lisa Hart-Walker este o hair coloristă devenită renumită în Michigan, având la activ 19 ani de experiență, în care a semnat hairstyle-uri unice și fenomenale. Slăbiciunea ei a fost dintotdeauna balayage-ul. Prin încercări și erori, și-a perfecționat această tehnică, alături de altele, pentru a realiza adevărate sculpturi din pigmenți de culoare.

Pentru că nu vrea să-și piardă cunoștințele, Lisa a fodat Balayage Boot Camp – o adevărată academie de  handpainting, unde îi învață pe hair coloriști adevărata artă a balayage-ului. Acolo, trădează toate secretele legate de alegerea vopselelor, raportul de culoare din amestecuri, saturațiile corespunzătoare, promovarea pe internet și multe altele.

Hair colorista mai poate fi văzută și la un salon de frumusețe din Rochester Hills, acolo unde clientele fac coadă pentru a ajunge pe mâinile ei. Cei care nu au posibilitatea să o găsească în Michigan, o văd pe Instagram, acolo unde are o pagină apreciată de aproape 300 de mii de fani.


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Admirați și voi aceste creații!

See 👀 previous video 📽for this transformation on @aaashleee

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✨Saturday Night Inspiration✨ I posted this several months ago but I thought it was worth posting again. The pic 📸 on the left is my very first IG post from March 30th 2014 and I'll never delete it because it shows me my progress. The pic on the right is from August 26th 2015. The reason why they are both so significant to me is because at the time I posted the first one that was what I considered some of my best work at the time. I posted it very proudly with all my crap in the background and everything 😂😂😂😂. Even though I thought it was "good" at the time I wanted to be great!!! Like most people I couldn't wait until the Balayage/ombré trend would end so I could get back to my comfort zone of foiling. Unfortunately it's been almost 3 years and the trend is still just as strong as ever. My only option at this point was to adapt or get left behind. I chose to adapt. I watched videos, took classes, and practiced on any and everyone who was willing 🙀🙀🙀. This was the first time I didn't give up. I was determined to create the type of hair that I considered beautiful. The pic on the right is significant because it was the first time I felt a rush of excitement come over me that I'd never experienced before. I will not say it was "perfect" because just like most of you I'm my own worst critic and I see all the flaws in my work instead of the beauty. However I don't strive for "perfection" I strive for improvement #goals. I don't make mistakes I make discoveries. I never thought in a million years that anyone would want to learn anything from me because I still had a lot to learn myself and I didn't believe I had anything to offer but so far in 2016 I've traveled to over 15 different states and sold out every class in 20 different cities 🌎 but the best part was all the new friends I made along the way. Thank you so much for believing in me. I'm inspired everyday by all of you. The moral of the story….never give up. You never know what gods plan is for you. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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