În semn de protest față de standardele persistente în societate, o fitness bloggeriță de peste ocean și-a propus să testeze reacția internauților și apoi să combată feed-back-urile negative prin a renunța să se conformeze la un obicei aparent obligatoriu: epilarea!

Faceți cunoștință cu Morgan Mikenas – o tânără din Valparaiso, statul american Indiana, dedicată cu trup și suflet fitness-ului, alimentației sănătoase și echilibrului spiritual. Din dorința de a face lumea câtuși de puțin mai bună și mai tolerantă, Morgan a decis să-i supună pe internauți la un experiment social.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss😁☺ Be yourself, do your thing, work hard, think positivity, and enjoy life:) That is all you have to do to attract the good that life has to offer💫The people and opportunities that belong in your life will come find you and stay💗.. just keep patient and do what you love👍🏼#fitness #inspireothers #positivity #belovenow #bethechange #lifeisbeautiful #passion #workhard #dedication #dreambig #dowhatyoulove #behappy #feelgood #spreadlove #inspirationalquotes #healthyliving #mindfulness #lawofattraction #manifest #affirmations #energy #vibrations #physique #bodybuilding #plantbased #veganbodybuilding #healing

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Timp de un an întreg, a renunțat să-și epileze picioarele, îndemnând femeile să-și regăsească frumusețea adevărată și autentică. Morgan recunoaște că a fost profund mișcată de o situație de care s-a ciocnit în adolescență: la vârsta de 12 ani, era luată în derâdere pentru firele de păr de pe picioare. Își amintește și acum de cum venea acasă, cu ochii înlăcrimați.

The more I put my vulnerabilities out in the open for everyone to see, the more comfortable I feel in my own skin. The more I accept myself for who I am, the more happier I become. Learning that fitness doesn’t have to look a certain way and embracing being my most authentic self, even if it means being a little different. By showing my body hair I hope to make an impact. Stop listening to the voices that told us our whole life that we need to look a certain way to be valued, respected, attractive or healthy. It's up to every person to decide what makes them feel most comfortable within themselves.🤘🏼 We all have our strengths and weaknesses..but that’s not the point. What the point is that each of us are regularly getting our fitness on in a way that works for us and makes us feel good inside and out. There’s no “fit” ideal we’re trying to look like. We’re just doing what we do. And loving it. 💪🏼💗 What caused self-doubt for me in the beginning now gives me a great sense of pride, accomplishment and purpose. I am passionate about building a positive body image and ending body-shaming and hope to just make a positive difference. Happy Friday:)☺#bodyhairdontcare #hairywomen #empowerment #fitness #bedifferent #spreadlove #bodypositive #divine #weareone #gratitude #namaste #positivity #inspireothers #selfcare #gains #passion #bethechange #bebold #dreambig #healthyliving #inspiration #freespirit #dedication #hardwork #lifestyle #changetheworld #word #flexfriday #physique #bestself

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De la început de 2016 și până în prezent, Morgan Mikenas nu a mai apelat la epilare nu doar pe picioare, ci și în alte zone ale corpului.

„Cauza numărul unu este faptul că îmi ia foarte mult timp. Într-o zi m-am întrebat pentru ce fac asta și îmi irosesc timpul. Am înțeles apoi că e destul de frumos să renunț, firele devenind mai moi. Atunci când te epilezi, firele de păr devin foarte aspre și cauzează disconfort. Iată încă una din cauze. Nu impun oamenii să înceteze să se mai epileze. Vreau doar să le inspir ideea că se pot simți mult mai confortabil. Frumusețea, pentru mine, este să te simți asfel înainte ca cineva să ți-o spună. Suntem minunați așa cum suntem.

Eu nu atrag atenția la ce zic cei din jur și asta îmi aduce pace interioară. Când nu aveți nimic de ascuns și puteți fi voi înșivă, trăiți o profundă împăcare cu sine și o încredere care îi puteți inspira și pe cei din jur”, afirmă fitness blogerița.

There are lots of things that society tells us we should and shouldn't do with regards to our aesthetics, our lifestyles, relationships, and more. Why do we persist in allowing society to define us? What is the huge problem with being different? I don't shave my legs, and I will never have the urge to do it ever again. Not shaving my body hair has improved my confidence and helped me break free from expectations that society has of me and other women. Not shaving is a lifestyle in itself. Because society tells us that our body hair is disgusting, I get negative comments everywhere I go, people stare, and try and bring me down. That is the reality we live in. And stuff like that shouldn't even be relevant. I am very comfortable within myself and that's what it is about. Any negative way a person reacts to you is just a direct reflection of THEIR OWN insecurities, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. All I am trying to get at is whatever you are doing, make sure it is for yourself and your happiness. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, honestly it's scary at first, but the more you do things you would not usually do, you are creating the better person you want to be. Don't let society define who you are. ☺️👍🏼💜🌍🤘🏼Tag a friend you think could learn from my words and body hair #love #inspiration #bethechange #life #spreadlove #selflove #encouragment #change #changetheworld #empowerment #different #fitness #feminism #trainhard #health #bodyhairdontcare #positivity #positivevibesonly #womenempowerment #befree #loveyourself #onelove #freemind #peaceandlove #healing #findtheothers #reality #comfortable #society #model

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You don't realize how far you've come until you look back at where it all started. The picture on the left was 2 years ago before I started getting into bodybuilding.. I was unhappy with many aspects of my life, mentally and physically.. I decided it was time for change… and never looked back. The picture on the right is me currently.. the same bikini, but happier/healthier/hairier me:) I am a completely new person inside and out, and I could not be more proud of myself.☺😌 Gaining muscle takes time, discipline, dedication, patience, and most of all consistency. Your are not going to see instant results and it's not going to happen overnight.. It is a long process.. BUT if you keep with it you can achieve anything you set your mind to!💗😎#fitness #fitnessjourney #namaste #spreadlove #change #abs #dedication #challenge #healthylifestyle #healthy #happy #consistency #bodypositive #goals #positivity #inspiration #bethechange #calisthenics #hairywomen #fitnessmotivation #getfit #loveyourself #transformation #bodybuilding #inspireothers #dreambig #fuzzy #bodyhairdontcare

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"There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty."~Steve Maraboli 🌸✨ Not just woman, but everyone! Imagine if everyone just decided that today was the day they loved themselves and embraced every part of them selves. Accepting and loving your body and your "flaws" because you know they are what makes you who you are. If you are focused on being true to yourself in every moment, you are less concerned what others think, which will lead to peace of mind. When you have nothing to hide and you can freely be yourself, there is a profound peace/confidence you will emanate to the world that will inspire others. ✨💝🤘🏼I also just posted a new YouTube video on why I don't shave my body hair and how it helped me(link in bio)☺ #bodypositive #spreadlove #behappy #namaste #hairywomen #healing #healthylifestyle #selfcare #loveyourself #beyourself #bethechange #divine #inspireothers #inspirationalquotes #positivity #goodvibesonly #lifeisbeautiful #hairy #gratitude #weareone #higherconsciousness #freespirit #empowerment #smile #feelgood

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I was told I look like Pocahontas today and it inspired me to take a picture of my current physique 🌸🌿😁 I have been strictly training calisthenics/Muay Thai/ yoga and my body just feels REALLY good. I get more satisfaction from performance based training then I did from aesthetic lifting. I am striving for a body that not only looks good, but performs and moves well. Practice a skill, learn a movement, get strong, get fit, dance, just feel good! It's never too late to look after yourself!😌💪🏼👍🏼#fitness #calisthenics #bootybuilding #getfit #inspireothers #bethechange #spreadlove #physique #muaythai #havefun #behappy #feelgood #positivity #flex #girlswithmuscle #hardwork #dedication #lifestyle #healthyliving #encouragement #bestself #fitnessmodel #bodypositive #healing #fitfamily #namaste #fitdutchies

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Foto: instagram.com/i_am_morgie

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