Femeia pe care o veți cunoaște mai jos a reușit să-și îmbine în cel mai frumos mod posibil vocația de mamă cu cea de hairstylistă. Grație noilor tehnologii, și-a creat un blog de-a dreptul motivațional pentru mămicile pasionate ca ea.

14533469_1192702727454397_5505036157978673152_aAriba Pervaiz se auto-numește Millenial Mama. Bloggerița canadiană și-a ales acest pseudonim ca și sinonim pentru cele două vocații ale ei: frumusețea și maternitatea.

Ariba are 10 ani de experiență în domeniul coafurii, iar acum e stabilită în Toronto, alături de soțul său – Ken și fetița sa – Lils.

Pentru că iubește coafura, forța divină i-a trimis o fetiță, pe care a transformat-o instantaneu în model al blogului său.

Millennial Mama are un cont de Instagram urmărit în prezent de peste 55 de mii de internauți. Ariba mai are și un canal de YouTube cu tutoriale video care au adunat deja cca jumătate de milion de vizualizări. Promovează BAPE și nu doar.

Inspirați-vă și voi din ce face ea:

It’s that time of year again where all my childhood anxieties come rushing back. Minus the sugary upside.. scary masks, horror movies, darkness and clowns.. NOT my thing! 😣 It’s so easy to get carried away with costume ideas. My mind is already racing with ideas for Lils. But to keep it nice and easy for now, I came up with this Masquerade Up style. I found the rose at the dollar store and clipped off the stem. I snagged this Masquerade mask @partycity. I tried on a handful of masks and I preferred the fabric and lace masks over the plastic or metal ones. They were a lot more comfortable and they sat nice and flat on the curve of my head. I am curling my hair forward- opposite of the direction I want my hair to be pinned up. This helps give my hair a lot more volume and just enough texture on my ends for a messy bun! . Link to full tutorial is in my bio. @salontocci #hairgame #redkencanada #redken #styleyourstory #redkenobsessed #redken5thave #torontoblogger #torontohairstylist #halloweentutorial #aribapervaiz

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This technique is great for creating big curly hair to rock all on its own, or for creating texture prior to styling updos. You can also utilize this technique to add volume in places where you would like to see it most, such as the crown area. I will demonstrate how to take your hair to its maximum volume potential by utilizing this technique on my entire head! I’ll be curling my hair with a 25mm wand, but you can also swap the wand for a curling iron of any size. The smaller the barrel, the more movement you will achieve. The light teasing is easily combed out. Start combing from the bottom and work your way up towards the roots to remove all of the teasing. Full tutorial is up on: Latest-Hairstyles.com *link in bio @salontocci @latesthair Hairspray- @redkenofficial #redkenready #redkenobsessed #redken #redken5thave #styleyourstory #hairgame #aribapervaiz #aribapervaizhairartist

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Foto: Instagram, millennialmama.ca

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