În spatele unui artist de renume stau sacrificii pe măsură, ori imaginea sa impecabilă e rezultatul unor eforturi pe care nimeni nu le va ști niciodată. Céline Dion a decis să vorbească despre câteva dintre ele. Artista a pozat nud și a vorbit despre acest lucru într-o postare apărută în rețeaua Instagram.

"What is making the people who are interested in fashion now interested in me when I have always been interested in fashion?" So asks Celine Dion en route to the Christian Dior haute couture show, security guards in tow. She wears a tunic and mid calf skirt, tucked and belted and elevated by thigh high black boots. She has done her own makeup–as is her way–but her precise and dramatic eye contouring is obscured by the massive Dior gold shades selected by her stylist Law Roach (@luxurylaw). ("Why did you make me wear makeup if I was going to wear glasses like this?") Celine began working with Law a little over a year ago, after her husband Rene passed and she began the long road of living again with great loss of a partner ("an amazing man") but also the incredible blessing of "the quality of the time we spent together." More on that later. For now it is enough to know that while Law may have contributed to the answer to Celine's original question–why dion mania now?–the answer clearly lies with the lady herself. She keeps a master file divided into mini files of pages torn from magazines. She circles looks from collections special issues, turns down pages, and despairs when a look or accessory is not produced and the sample unbuyable. Celine Dion knows clothes. (She is also at a point in her life where she can enjoy them. Going to a fashion show "gives me a bit of freedom when my life has been work, discipline, hard hard work.") Today at @dior there was a little work (celebrity gridlock in and out, intense heat which is never ideal with leather) and a lot of fun. Celine admires Ruth Bell's gamine crop ("I really want a haircut like that"), the flatform boots ("the strength today!"), a wool coat dress for day with an open assymetric neckline ("like a calla lily"), the mousseline peering out from the long belted coats. After she said, "I forgot the jungle, the theme, I don't care. I am not buying the animals, the trees. But the clothes?" she smiles. "I am already broke." More on that later, and the significance of one legendary CD to another…. #CelineTakesCouture Photo by @sophfei.

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Céline Dion a fost, marți, eroina unor postări virtuale făcute pe pagina de Instagram a revistei Vogue. Într-o poză, artista pozează nud, iar în descriere, face mai multe dezvăluiri despre eforturile pe care le face non-stop, pentru a arăta așa cum o vedem.

„Aceasta e o mică ocazie nudă de a reflecta la cât de des se schimbă Céline Dion între spectacole. În ultimii 5 ani, a purtat ținute haute couture exclusive pentru spectacolele ei. La fel o face și acum, în actualul mini-turneu prin Europa. Se schimbă de minim două ori pe noapte, pe parcursul a 5-6 nopți pe săptămână. Pentru comenzile ei, casele de modă trimit la Nevada minim câte 3 modele, înainte ca articolele de îmbrăcăminte să fie încheiate în atelierul său privat, local. Armani Privé, Schiaparelli, Giambattista Valli și Versace sunt doar câteva dintre ele. În Las Vegas, are cu sine și panouri panouri velcro, care o ajută să își schimbe rapid hainele. Micro-centurile din șifon elastic o ajută să prevină ghemuirea stofelor. Pantofii ei înseamnă întotdeauna tocuri și niciodată platforme. Sunt comandați cu o mărime mai mică (ea poartă în mod normal 38) și remodelați cu cilindre metalice. Céline spune: Trebuie să facem haute couture industrial. Pe mine hainele mă urmează, nu eu le urmez. 

Here's a little naked fact to ponder while Celine Dion changes looks between shows: for the past five years she has worn haute couture near exclusively for her own performances (in Las Vegas and on her current "mini-tour" of Europe). She performs a minimum two hours a night, five or six nights a week, dancing and curtseying and generally gesticulating sans abandon, in handmade, hand-beaded delicacies designed solely to walk a catwalk or a carpet (and often with handlers). For Celine's orders, the houses send teams to Nevada for typically three fittings, before the garments are ultimately finished in her local, private atelier. Armani Prive, Schiaparelli, Giambattista Valli, Versace…only a partial list. Everyone, basically. In Vegas, Velcro panels are added to allow for her ribcage to expand or for a quick outfit change. Micro straps of elasticized chiffon prevent a slit from becoming a sloppy situation mid-squat. Shoes—always heels, never platforms—are ordered one size smaller (she is normally a 38) and refitted with metal shanks. Says Celine, "We have to make haute couture industrial." And, more enigmatically: "The clothes follow me; I do not follow the clothes." Which is to say: the haute couture, with all its fragility and handcraft, has to perform professionally for Ms. Dion. And privately as well. Years ago, Celine bought a classic little black dress from the Christian Dior atelier when the house was overseen by John Galliano. It is simple, falling to mid calf, and narrow as can be with just a hint of stretch. It requires a minimum of jewelry, a statement bracelet or perhaps one of the major diamond rings she designed with her late husband Rene Angelil: two pear cuts set in a wide pave band, or two hearts of diamond and emerald abstractly interlocking, on a cushion of yet more diamonds. This LBD forces you to walk one foot in front of the other. This is a dress Celine knows well and clearly loves, the simplest evocation of the private luxury of couture and the total antithesis of the red carpet hoopla that attends the union of fashion and celebrity. It is also the dress she wore to Rene's funeral. #CelineTakesCouture Photo by @sophfei.

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Și încă un detaliu privat. Cândva, Céline a cumpărat o rochie neagră, clasică, de la atelierul Christian Dior, când acesta era supravegheat de către John Galliano. Este o rochie simplă și îngustă în talie; are nevoie de un minim de bijuterii. Céline cunoaște foarte bine și iubește în mod clar această rochie – cea mai simplă evocare privată a luxului și antiteza completă a ceea ce apare pe covoarele roșii, unde se unesc moda și celebritatea. De asemenea, este rochia pe care a purtat-o la înmormântarea lui René Angélil”, se arată în postare.




Foto: Instagram/@sophfeiPeople

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