Tăticii au un simț al umorului aparte, atunci când își lansează proiecte pe rețelele sociale. Excepție nu este nici Simion - un tată a 4 fetițe, care a făcut o tradiție din a publica pe Instagram fotografii cu aventurile pe care le trăiește zi de zi acasă. Fotografiile lui nu doar că stârnesc râsul, ci arată cât de obositor și frumos este să fii tată cu mulți copii!

Tomorrow is international day of the girl and I, more than most, am celebrating. I might be heavily outnumbered and outgunned, but I'm celebrating because my girls are strong independent young ladies that are growing up in a world that they can do anything they put their mind to (with a little encouragement). We strive for equality and see women as equals (and in my case, as superiors!). That said, in many places girls are seen as second class citizens and have limited opportunities to reach their full potential. This has to change. Go kiss your girls goodnight & encourage them everyday to reach for the stars. Tag a strong girl and share. #mygirlswearthetrousers #daughters #dayofthegirl #girlsareequals #girlsarestrong #sisters #mygirls #girlsareamazing #beproudofyoudaughters #fatherofdaughters #instadad #dadlife

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Faceți cunoștință cu Simon Hooper. E tatăl a 4 fetițe și promovează, pe contul său de Instagram adevărul din spatele vocației de părinte.

Cooking with the family is important so that they get an early interest in what healthy eating is all about. But when you add two 10 month work experience kitchen hands to the mix who have minimum training and hygiene standards that would get a greasy kebab placed closed down, Jamie Olivers 15 minutes meals turn into Simon hooper's 90 minute botch jobs. In the end you just chuck it all in and hope for the best. The likelihood is that it will get rejected by the discerning clientele anyway. Might as well just short cut the whole process and chuck the raw food directly into the bin. #masterchefiaint #sausageandchipsitis #worstworkexperienceever #ottieatearawgarlicwhole #whydowebother #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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„Vreau să vă spun cum arată în realitate o familie cu copii, prin ochii unui părinte. Pe rețelele sociale e mult prea frumos arătată realitatea legată de creșterea și educarea copiilor. Așa că împart cu alții adevărul despre ce înseamnă să fii tată. Și nu fără umor!”, recunoaște autorul paginii father_of_daughters.

Astăzi, contul său este urmărit de peste 324 de mii de părinți sau viitori părinți curioși de noutățile din familia Hooper. Nu e deloc ușor să ai grijă în fiecare zi de o fată de 9 ani, una de 6 și de două micuțe în vârstă de 10 luni.

Well that was fun. @mother_of_daughters is away with the eldest 2 so I have the twins. Delilah was up & down last night more than a yoyo who'd necked a crate of redbull. As a dad, I usually have inbuilt noise cancelling and can sleep through an thrash metal gig but last night was something else. The neighbours must have thought I was skinning cats with a wooden spoon at 3.30am – the noise was endless – the kind of noise that cuts through you & drains you of any memory of who you are or what you're doing until your brain dribbles out you ear. They seem to have forgotten the whole experience and moved on. I'll just scoop up my eye bags so they don't drag on the floor. To top it all, the car is broken so I can't get to my brother's birthday. A shocker of a day so far. #brainonthefloor #alongwiththeeyebags #brokencar #twins #comehomeplease #parenting #fatherofdaughter #dadlife #instadad

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Soția lui Simion este obstetrician-ginecolog de meserie, iar el petrece cea mai mare parte a timpului cu fetele. A învățat deja să vorbească despre educația sexuală cu fata mai mare și chiar să doarmă pe 20 de centimetri de pat. În schimb, e atât de frumos!”


Another monday, another last minute rush to the shops to avoid the armageddon I.e running out of nappies, wipes & baby crack (milk) for the addicts. I basically live in this aisle of the supermarket now. New parents seem to gravitate to me as an "experienced parent" (i.e. the tired looking guy shivering in the corner) and ask "do you know where so and so is please?" My reponse – "Sure 3rd shelf, half way down on the left hand side, buy 3 & get a discount,although you want to use that in combination with blah blah blah." I'm like a walking encyclopaedia of baby product info. I used to use my brain to solve global corporate wide problems. I now use it to calculate bulk buy discounts. #ishouldgetanamebadge #bogofking #iliveherenojoke #dadbrain #lifeinthefastlane #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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so #NationalLieInDay is finally here and it seems that the twins didn't get the memo about the clocks going back, but I can't complain as we're technically still in bed. Yes people, this is a 'lie in' when you have kids. The main difference between this morning and any other? I set up a cinema for my girlies – cue requests for popcorn at 8.30am, hot drinks orders, arguments about what film to watch and burning calves from multiple trips up & down the stairs. Give me a torch to shine at smooching teenagers & some ticket subs to check and I could actually be a cinema attendant. Hope you all get a lie in of sorts. There’s actually still time to enter Simba’s #NationalLieInDay competition where you could win a package to recreate your perfect lie in so click on the link in my bio to enter. Thanks @SimbaSleep for this glorious extra hour in bed, I really wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. #sundayliein #familytime #fatherofdaughters #instadad #ad #dadlife

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The curse of being called Simon when at a children's birthday party – I am immediately rolled out for the obligatory game of 'Simon says'. Of course I take it easy to start with and filter out those that can't keep up. After separating the wheat from the chaff, we get to the hard core pros who know their stuff. I finally kill them all off with the old stand on one leg, close one eye and stick out your tongue. The remaining kids think I'm taking it too seriously, get bored and run off leaving me looking like a proper tool. I might have taken competitive dadding too far- they're only 6 after all, oh well. #competitivedad #ifyouplaywithmeweplayforreal #playhard #happybirthday #simonsays #happysunday #fatherofdaughters #instadad #parenting #kidsparty #dadlife

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Life with 4 daughters is never what you'd call quiet or relaxed. Infact living in a house full of drunken long distance lorry drivers and builders who have strong opinons about the world would still be quieter. As a guy I'll never quite understand why emotions have to run in the red all the time and why shouting has replaced normal speaking voices. That said there are those moments when the planets align and the world suddenly goes still and for those few seconds when they are all nice to eachother and we're all laughing, you realise why your family life is so great. Remember these moments. Go and enjoy your family. Thanks to @philippajames for capturing a moment. #happytuesday #yesimstereotyping #imsurelorrydriversarelovely #thisisararemoment #family time #fatherofdaughters #instadad #parenting #dadlife

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